And Now His Watch Has Ended We May Never See His Like Again
FollowingEpitomize / Game of Thrones S3E4: "And Now His Picket Is Ended"
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In King's Landing, Tyrion asks Varys whether he has any evidence that his sis tried to have him killed during the Boxing of Blackwater. Varys has none. He does, all the same, give Tyrion a prissy lecture on how revenge is a dish Best Served Cold. He tells of how as a male child, he was castrated by a sorcerer as part of a dark magical ritual (hence his distrust of all magic), and so cast aside. Varys worked his way up from petty thief in Myr to Primary of Whispers in Rex's Landing, always expanding his influence. He opens a big box to reveal the sorcerer, bound and gagged, finally in Varys' clutches after all these years. Later, Varys is informed by Ros that Littlefinger likely plans to take Sansa with him to the Vale, every bit he has ordered two feather beds for his ship. Varys intends to cease him from doing and then, and to that end has a discussion with Lady Olenna. Lady Olenna comments that Sansa is a naïve and uninteresting girl, just every bit Robb Stark's heir (since Arya, Bran, and Rickon are presumed dead), to control her opens the way for control of the N.
Joffrey takes Lady Margaery on a bout of the Great Sept of Baelor. She pretends to share his macabre interest in the Targaryen tombs. She leads Joffrey to greet the crowd of mutual people exterior the Sept, who give them, or at least Margaery, their adoration. Cersei is increasingly concerned with the Tyrells' influence in the city and on Joffrey, as she discusses Lord Tywin. Her father points out that the Tyrells saved the city from Stannis'south army, and that someone needs to rein Joffrey in if Cersei is incapable of doing so. Furthermore, he chews her out for not being as intelligent as she thinks she is, saying that his reason for not giving her more influence is his lack of faith in her political abilities rather than her sexual activity.
Sansa and Margaery meet in the Godswood outside the city, and seem to hit it off rather well. Margaery suggests that one time she becomes Queen, Sansa could ally Ser Loras and alive in Highgarden. Sansa is thrilled at the idea.
In the North, Bran has another dream where Jojen tells him he has to grab the 3-eyed Raven. When he tries to climb a tree to reach it, his mother Catelyn appears and reminds him that he promised to stop climbing. Psychotically, she screams, "Promise Me!" over and over again and then shoves him out of the tree. He wakes upward shaken, with Jojen staring at him.
Elsewhere, Theon is led past his apparent savior to Deepwood Motte, where his sister Yara is allegedly waiting for him. They sneak into the castle through the sewers, where Theon expresses his regret at his past actions. He admits that Ned Stark was his truthful father all along and that Balon Greyjoy never cared about him. Unfortunately, his actions during the Sack of Winterfell take ruined whatever gamble of reconciling with Robb and the others (fifty-fifty though, as he admits, Bran and Rickon are even so alive), so he feels he has no selection just to return to the Iron Islands with Yara. The Boy leads Theon to a room which turns out to exist the very torture sleeping room that he thought he'd escaped from. A band of men stride out of the shadows, and the Boy claims that Theon was the one who killed their comrades during his escape attempt (when it was really himself), telling them to, "put him back where he belongs." The men vanquish Theon up and bind him boot and screaming to the cross once more.
In the Riverlands, Arya, Gendry and the Hound are led to the subconscious base of the Brotherhood without Banners. Sandor Clegane is brought before the Brotherhood'due south leader, Beric Dondarrion, and told he volition stand trial for his crimes. When they charge him of the Mountain's crimes, he retorts that he hates his brother and has nothing to do with Gregor's actions. As the men of the Brotherhood cannot proper name any specific crimes that the Hound has committed, Arya mentions his killing of her friend Mycah. Lord Beric, a catechumen to the organized religion of the Lord of Light, sentences Clegane to a trial by combat to determine his guilt. He will fight the Hound himself.
Elsewhere, Jaime is suffering further torments by Lord Bolton'south men. Left to ride with his severed hand dangling effectually his neck, he loses consciousness and slips onto the muddy ground. When he begs for water, Locke gives him equus caballus piss to drinkable. Jaime manages to grab a sword off one of the soldiers, but is hopeless at fighting with his left hand. He is handily defeated, browbeaten and told that he will lose his other manus if he makes such an effort over again. While sitting by the fire that night, Brienne criticizes Jaime for slipping into despondency, telling him he cannot hope to get revenge if he dies. She asks him why he lied about her father'due south wealth in gild to salvage her the night before. Jaime cannot answer.
Beyond the Wall, the surviving men of the Night'south Spotter are still recovering their force in Craster'south Keep. Some of them are dying of their wounds, and the rest are starved for food. Many doubtable that Craster is secretly hoarding supplies and keeping it from them. One nighttime, tensions boil over, and a fight breaks out between Craster and some of the men. Craster is killed by Karl. When Lord Commander Mormont tries to intervene, Rast stabs and kills him. In the ensuing anarchy, Sam runs to fetch Gilly and her son. They escape into the night, with Rast promising to slit Sam'due south pharynx.
In Astapor, Daenerys is making the final transaction to buy all the Unsullied in the city. She hands Drogon, her largest dragon, over to Master Kraznys on a chained leash. Kraznys hands her a ceremonial whip, a symbol of command over the Unsullied. Upon establishing that the deal is finalized and afterwards testing the subject of her new army, Dany reveals to Kraznys that she does indeed speak Valyrian, and could therefore sympathize all his insults. Furthermore, she points out that a dragon is not a slave and not his to control. She orders the Unsullied to kill all the Adept Masters of Astapor, to spare the children, and to complimentary whatsoever slaves they find. To Drogon she simply says "Dracarys," whereupon he burns Kraznys mo Nakloz to a crisp and rains fire over the urban center. After the sack of Astapor is complete, Dany tells the Unsullied that they are no longer slaves, and may become their own way if they so please. They all declare their willingness to stay with her as free men. 8 thousand soldiers march out of the gates of the metropolis under Daenerys' imprint, her 3 dragons flight overhead.
Tropes in this episode include:
- The Ace: Theon mentions seeing Robb this fashion. See Feeling Oppressed by Their Existence below.
- A Day in the Limelight: A variation. Critics have noticed that this episode focuses on Varys to an unusual extent, even revealing an important part of his backstory and motivation. Half of the Male monarch'southward Landing scenes fifty-fifty characteristic him at their centre, rather than his usual office of only snarking or offering advice. Nevertheless in typical Game of Thrones fashion the evidence continues to motion around, showing events miles away that take nothing to do with him for the majority of the episode.
- Adaptation Expansion:
- The books give Theon's escape attempt only a brief mention in a flashback. Also, it involves Kyra, who isn't in the series, instead of The Boy.
- The wizard who castrated Varys actually appears. In the novel he's merely mentioned.
- Adapted Out: Willas Tyrell, the older brother of Loras and Margaery, has apparently been excised (he was mentioned in the Flavor i viewer's guide, only disappeared from the season 2 and three versions), which is why Margaery has to offering to pair Sansa up with Loras. Information technology adds to the adaptation, as it will imply that Loras will be fabricated a fellow member of the Kingsguard not only as a reward to the Tyrells but also as the Lannisters' counter to Lady Olenna's plans involving Sansa.
- Anyone Tin can Dice: Craster, Lord Commander Mormont.
- Armor-Piercing Question: Brienne asking Jaime, "Why did you aid me?"
- Creative License – Geography: In-universe example. While following the boy to his sister's location in the east, Theon asks how much farther information technology is to Deepwood Motte. The only problem with that is that Deepwood Motte is in the far west of the North and across the country from the Dreadfort, separated past hundreds of miles. The only major stronghold e of the Dreadfort would be Karhold, seat of the Karstarks. Theon is never exactly sure where he is existence held, nor past whom, and information technology may be Theon noticed this; in his next appearance he guesses his captors are the Karstarks, perhaps for this very reason.
- Asshole Victim:
- Kraznys mo Nakloz is an utter asshole the entire time he is dealing with Danaerys and her people. Drogon crisping the bastard is immensely satisfying.
- Craster is a massive asshole who abused and raped his daughters and sacrificed his sons to ice demons. His killer may be a psycho simply killing Craster is no horrible act.
- Ass Shove: Discussed between the Bolton men. "How many fingers do you lot retrieve we can shove upward [Jaime's] ass?"
- Badass Boast:
- Daenerys tells off the Adept Masters in style. See Oh, Crap! further down the page.
- Tywin has a nicely understated one; afterwards his "The Reason You lot Suck" Speech about Cersei's lack of control over Joffrey, she suggests that he try to finish Joffrey doing what he likes. Tywin simply says, "I will."
- Bait the Dog: The Boy, meet Hope Spot below.
- Ballistic Disbelieve: Taken Up to 11 when Daenerys does this with an entire army! After being given control of the Unsullied, she immediately orders them to sack the very city that sold them to her. As for getting her payment back, Drogon is perfectly capable of freeing himself from Kraznys' clutches with a simple application of burn.
- Batman Gambit: Dany'south comes to fruition here in the endmost moments of the episode: Merchandise Drogon for Astapor'south entire legion of Unsullied, make the trade, fire the Good Masters, take Drogon back, bask in awesome endmost music.
- Berserk Button: Don't phone call Craster a bastard.
- All-time Served Cold: Varys shares the story of how a wizard castrated him to utilise the parts in a spell, and he survived against all odds simply for the chance at revenge. Which has at present finally paid off.
- Big Badass Battle Sequence: Dany purchases the Unsullied, orders them to sack Astapor and so gives them their liberty. The battle sequence and the post-obit scene of 8000 soldiers marching out of the city gates are suitably epic.
- Bilingual Backfire: Daenerys pretends to not understand the Valyrian language when she is in the Slaver Coast cities and is underestimated by the native speakers. The translator is surprised to hear information technology, and the jerk who was speaking very ill of her in front of her gets an instant look of surprise and horror on his face.
- Blindfolded Trip: Arya and Sandor are hooded by the Brotherhood Without Banners then they don't know where their headquarters are.
- Bound and Gagged: The magician in Varys' box is gagged, presumably to prevent him casting spells besides as screaming.
- Break the Badass: Jaime can't even bring himself to swallow afterward losing his sword manus until Brienne'due south insult of him "interim like a adult female" shakes him out of it.
- Brick Joke: Varys and Ros encounter in secret about Littlefinger, merely showtime and far more than important is working out just what Prodrick actually did to print the prostitutes he was with so much.
- Brought Down to Normal: Exhausted and with his sword mitt gone, Jaime tin't even manage a skillful fight against his tormentors.
- Bullying a Dragon: Literally. You lot'd think people would acquire...
- Call-Dorsum:
- Varys welcomes someone to the capital by telling them, "King's Landing is made brighter by your presence." Olenna even lampshades it, saying that she bets that it'due south his normal line.
- Tywin making his girl look while he scribbles on a parchment recalls him doing the same affair to Tyrion earlier in the flavour, and implies Cersei is in similar disfavour—Tywin speedily confirms this.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Cersei over her father favouring his sons over her, when she'south the simply one who cares well-nigh the family legacy "that y'all love then much more than your actual children."
- Catapult Nightmare: Bran jerks himself into wakefulness (as much equally a parapalegic can) after his mother shoves him out of a tree in his vision-dream.
- Cool Old Guy: It was ever taken as read that Mormont would be this, but nosotros finally go the sit-in of information technology. He gets stabbed in the back, but is still stiff enough that he'south able to wrestle his attacker upwards against a post to the point that the younger homo tin't become free and nearly strangle him to expiry before succumbing to the wound.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: The Unsullied in Astapor easily kill Astapor'due south non-Unsullied soldiers and sack the city.
- Desecrating the Dead: Discussed when Joffrey mentions that Robert had wanted to merely dump the bodies of the Targaryens killed during the sack of King'due south Landing in the Blackwater, but the High Septon convinced him to grant them a proper burial.
- Dissonant Serenity: As the mutiny breaks out at Craster's Keep, there's one Night's Scout ranger leaning off to the side, non doing annihilation except lookout man all hell break loose. He's seen at 5:00 in this clip
at the far left equally Lord Commander Mormont dies.
- Equal-Opportunity Evil: Tywin claims that the reason he distrusts Cersei is because she's not as clever equally she thinks she is, rather than because she'south a woman. The books mention that his wife, in improver to being the dear of his life, was his nearly trusted confidante, so it'due south quite possible he means what he says.
- Evil Is Little: Locke and his men bask themselves humiliating Jaime.
- Failed a Spot Cheque: Plain no one noticed Daenerys giving orders to her new soldiers in perfect Valyrian. Except for Dany's allies and Missandei.
- Feeling Oppressed past Their Existence: When the Boy asks Theon if Robb "lorded it over" him, Theon replies, "Didn't have to, all he had to do was ... exist. Be who he was born to be; his life fit him meliorate than his apparel. How could someone like that be a brother to me?"
- Good Cop/Bad Cop: The Boy posing every bit Theon'due south rescuer is a Darker and Edgier version of this, as the charade leads Theon to give up far more important information (in particular, the survival of Bran and Rickon) than what he told his torturers.
- Hope Spot:
- Ohhh, poor Theon. He thinks the Boy is leading him to Yara, just in fact he leads him back to his stronghold by a different path, and dorsum into the exact same torture room he rescued him from previously.
- The next episode reveals that Sansa's prospects of wedlock to Loras are another case of imitation hope.
- Mormont tries to conductor Rast out of Craster's Keep and it looks like the tense mood might pass. So Karl insults Craster to his face and all-out chaos erupts.
- Hypocritical Humor: Brienne chastising Jaime: "You audio like a encarmine woman!"
- I Drank WHAT?!: Jaime begs Locke for water, who lets him gulp downwards a container before telling him it'due south horse piss.
- In the Back:
- Mormont gets stabbed in the back by Rast while facing down Craster's killer.
- An Astapori overseer gets a spear in the back from an Unsullied after Dany orders the sacking of Astapor to begin.
- Boot Them While They Are Down:
- The Bolton men beat Jaime very severely and repeatedly.
- What the Boy does to Theon.
- Kill 'Em All: To an extent: Daenerys orders her new ground forces to slaughter anyone associated with the slave trade, only to spare slaves and children.
Daenerys: Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every human who carries a whip, simply harm no child! Strike the chains off every slave you see!
- Kill Information technology with Fire: Half of Daenerys' plan for Astapor.
- Kubrick Stare: Dany keeps an impassive expression throughout Master Kraznys' cord of insults, simply the terminal time he calls her a bowwow, she gives him ane of these when he's not looking. Kraznys' horrible flame-y decease ensues presently after.
- Allow'south Go Unsafe!: Barristan has this when drawing his sword, after he realizes that Dany was playing Kraznys all along and is nearly to lead the sack on Astapor.
- Manipulative Bounder:
- Margaery continues to play Joffrey like a dabble, and tempts Sansa with an offer to marry Loras, despite Sansa being just about the only person in King's Landing ignorant of his sexuality. Withal, she's notwithstanding doing Sansa a kindness past rescuing her from more uncaring manipulators, and so she's arguably interim every bit a Guile Antihero.
- And on the absolute darkest end of this trope, nosotros take the Boy, who toys with Theon.
- Mic Drop: The Khaleesi would take never even seen a microphone, so the slaver's whip she is given to symbolize her control of the Unsullied is used instead. After her burning of Kraznys, sacking of Astapor, absurd girls don't wait at explosions moment and freeing of the slaves which makes them 10 times more than loyal to her, Daenerys drops the thing in the dirt.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Theon has a moment of this when he realizes that the Starks were more than his family unit then Balon and Yara ever were.
Theon: My real father lost his head at King'southward Landing.
- Never Trust a Trailer: Varys' line, "It's been a long time, my onetime friend," was unsaid to be directed at Tyrion or someone like Doran Martell in ads for the season. Information technology'southward really to the sorcerer who castrated him.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Margaery plays every bit i to appeal to Joffrey. It works wonderfully.
- No Pronunciation Guide: A noticeable incident, where Cersei and Tywin pronounce "Tyrell" differently (Tie-rell vs. Tyh-rell) in the same discussion.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Daenerys reveals she was playing at this in her dealings with the Skilful Masters.
- Oh, Crap!:
- Yes, Kraznys, Daenerys has understood everything you were proverb.
- Theon is apparently then stunned by the betrayal that he tin can't even properly have this reaction.
- Sam, Grenn, Edd and the other loyalists of the Night's Watch take this reaction when Rast stabs Mormont, only before all hell breaks loose.
- Parental Favoritism: During his conversation with Cersei, Tywin makes it clear Jaime is his favorite of his children. Cersei is in the middle and Tyrion is at the bottom.
- Pet the Dog: However politically motivated Margaery's ambitions for Sansa to marry Loras might exist, she does seem to exist genuinely happy for her.
- Pre-Asskicking Ane-Liner: "Dracarys." Muthafucka!!!
- Psychotic Smirk: Theon's "rescuer" gives quite a creepy one later on he reveals his true colors.
- Quick Describe: Karl is a pretty fast draw with his knives, as Craster finds out the difficult mode.
- Rape, Pillage, and Burn: An unusual version with Daenerys's conquest of Astapor, as the first two are forbidden, yet she burns down a good part of the metropolis and completely overthrows its aristocracy.
- "The Reason You Suck" Spoken language: Tywin quickly puts Cersei in her place by dismissing her fears over the Tyrells gaining influence, noting that they are doing a better chore than her at reining in Joffrey. He also tells her in simple terms that he isn't raising her as an heir to strategically protect Business firm Lannister but because she isn't as smart every bit she thinks she is, non because she's a woman.
- Replacement Goldfish: Daenerys gets a new white mare following the Sack of Astapor.
- Dominion of Symbolism: The Unsullied trampling Daenerys' discarded whip as they march out of Astapor, having killed their one-time slavers.
- Running Gag: Discussion of Podrick'due south epic session with 3 of Littlefinger's best ladies makes it all the way back to Varys.
- Sacred Hospitality: Rast and his friends violate it when they attack their host Craster and start a riot.
Jeor: The gods will curse u.s. for this! By all the laws of-!
Karl: There are no laws beyond the Wall, erstwhile man!
- Scenery Porn: The interior of Baelor'south Sept.
- Cocky-Deprecation: Lady Olenna continues her habit of tearing her ain house to pieces, this time lamenting the less-than-impressive words of the Tyrells, "Growing strong." She also calls herself "decrepit" while playfully inquiring if Varys is attempting to seduce her.
- Shout-Out: This is not the first time one of Charles Dance's characters has noticed someone is "still here".
- Shut Upwardly, Hannibal!: When Craster threatens to kill anyone who calls him a bastard a second time, Karl calls him a bastard and and so
Crosses the Line Twice, by calling him a "girl-fucking wildling bounder."
- Sigil Spam: Olenna doesn't intendance for the Tyrells' tendency to cover every scrap of habiliment and material with roses, especially since they accept such an unimpressive sigil and words compared to other major houses.
- Slasher Smiling: The Boy'southward when Theon is tied up again.
- Slave Liberation: Dany'southward offset command for her Unsullied is to gratuitous all the slaves of Astapor and kill their masters. Later, she frees the Unsullied themselves, all of whom choose to continue following her.
- Dull Handclapping: To betoken his intention to serve Daenerys as a free man, one of the Unsullied begins rapping his spear haft upon the ground, soon joined by all of his fellows.
- And so Proud of You: Jorah and Barristan share a grin as they watch Daenerys complimentary her slaves, having taken over Astapor.
- Sympathy for the Hero: Dissimilar in the books, TV!Varys never got a moment to express his adoration for Ned Stark to the man himself. Instead, in this episode he tells Lady Olenna that he admired Ned and sympathizes with the plight of Sansa Stark.
- Tactful Translation: The slaver Kraznys mo Nakloz keeps insulting Danaerys in Valyrian. His translator and slave Missandei "cleans up" his statements when she translates Kraznys'due south words into Westeros. Emilia Clarke plays this wonderfully in all their interactions; she looks like she'south getting a piddling more than bellyaching with every word the man says.
- Taking Y'all with Me: Jeor Mormont tries to asphyxiate his killer to death afterwards being stabbed in the back. He comes close, but succumbs to his injury seconds earlier he manages to.
- Title Drop: "And At present His Picket Is Ended" is function of the eulogy given to fallen Night's Sentry members. They recite it while cremating their fallen brothers.
- Too Dumb to Live:
- Craster probably should have known he was sitting on a pulverisation keg and that the crows were on the verge of succumbing to cannibalistic urges. His penchant for insulting people in a creepy way doesn't assist either.
- And too greedy too. The Good Masters of Astapor are so excited past the thought of owning one of the iii living dragons that they agree to sell every single one of their Unsullied. And who is the heir-apparent of these super soldiers, whom they take been insulting non-stop in Valyrian? Daenerys. Of House Targaryen. The final Great Valyrian Business firm. Who happens to speak Valyrian. To sum upwards: They insulted a adult female in what is famously her family unit's female parent tongue, then handed over an unbeatable army and left themselves with no one capable of defending the urban center, all to obtain a dragon they had no thought how to control. A truthful masterclass in stupidity.
- Too Dumb To Escape: Theon has spent nine years equally ward of the Starks. Maester Luwin has been seen teaching a x-year-quondam Bran the heraldry, history and geography of the noble houses of Westeros, and then presumably he has taught the other children likewise, including Theon. All the same, when Theon is captured and strapped on an X-shaped cross, he fails to recollect that a man strapped to an X-shaped cantankerous is the sigil of Firm Bolton. In addition, when The Boy frees him, he instructs him to ride due east to Deepwood Motte. Deepwood Motte is on the western coast of the North.
- Trunk Shot: When Varys shows Tyrion the trapped sorcerer, they are shown watching him from this angle, with part of the hat and box visible and covering them.
- Undying Loyalty: Grenn, Edd and the other loyalists of the Night's Lookout man furiously assail Karl and the other mutineers after Mormont gets stabbed.
- Unspoken Programme Guarantee: Dany'due south advisers are appalled by her trading of a dragon for an army. Neither they nor the viewers are aware that her plan involves turning her dragon against the would-exist buyer and using the ground forces to conquer Astapor.
- Villainous Breakdown: Kraznys mo Nakloz loses it when Dany orders the Unsullied to kill the Adept Masters of Astapor, spending the final few seconds of his life screaming at the slave soldiers he merely sold to the adult female who's at present their new mistress, whom they're conditioned to obey without question.
Kraznys: [in Valyrian] I am your primary! Kill her! Impale her! Impale HER!
- Wangst: In-universe, Brienne calls Jaime out on his whining, pointing out it's likely the commencement drawback of his cushy life.
- Wham Episode: The Boy leads Theon back into a trap, revealing the rescue every bit a lie to interruption Theon'south spirit. Commander Mormont is murdered by Rast and the Night's Watch northward of the Wall disintegrate into anarchy. But these pale compared to Daenerys' sacking Astapor in a Batman Gambit.
- Wham Line:
- "Dovaogēdys!" ("Unsullied!") Letting everyone and their female parent know that that Daenerys' unabridged commutation with the Adept Masters was washed with a Completely Unnecessary Translator—she understood everything Kraznys mo Nakloz said about her.
- "A dragon is not a slave."
- "You are a bastard." note On the verge of a wildcat in Craster's home, Lord Commander Mormont manages to browbeat his men dorsum into order and bring the simmering down after Craster threatens to "chop the hands off the next man who calls me a bastard!" After a few tense moments as things seem to repose down, Karl of the Night's Lookout man says, "Y'all are a bastard. A daughter-fucking, wildling bastard!" Cue the blood bath.
- With My Easily Tied: Brienne tries to back Jaime up, despite having her arms completely bound. The mere fact she manages to get off her horse in such a state is impressive both for her and her actress.
- Worthy Opponent: Varys mentions that he enjoys Littlefinger's presence, but that Littlefinger terrifies him with his willingness to destroy the 7 Kingdoms in his drive to rule them.
Varys: I rather savor him, merely he would see this land burn if he could be king of the ashes.
- Game of Thrones S3E3: "Walk of Penalty"
- Recap/Game of Thrones
- Game of Thrones S3E5 "Kissed by Fire"
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